Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ready To Roll

I keep looking at that OB's business card that has his pager/home phone #s and contemplating whether I will make the call to go in and deliver earlier this week than planned. It's almost to much power to give a pregnant woman, ya' know? Although, when he gave it to me, he grabbed my hand and said he not only expected to hear from me earlier than Friday, but wanted to. Now if only I could get my husband on board with the idea.

We traveled out of the city today and got our groceries for the week, as well as the Dex's carseat and his coming home outfit. Normally Michael buys the coming home outfit after the baby is born, but we didn't know where he would go to get it that is close so we went ahead.

As you can see I've lost my sense of humor. I think I threw it up at some point; I also threw up my voice because it comes and goes. Evidently consistent puking affects the vocal chords. Makes you wonder why you can't recognize a bulimic by their raspy voice, but, oh, well.... I suppose that's not actually funny by the way. Sure seems so from this end at the moment. ;)

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