Saturday, September 02, 2006

Pregnancy :: OB APPT for Sept 1st

Let's just say never go to an OB appt. the Friday before a 3 day weekend. Every is so obsessed with getting out of there, they have no idea what's going on................

My appt. started at 1PM with a non stress test. Dex absolutely wouldn't move, so it went from a 20 minute stress test to an hour stress test. They made me change positions, eat food, drink juice.............. nada.

The OB wasn't happy, so he made me go get in line for an indepth sonogram, and that's fine................ except they didn't bother to tell the sono tech what she was dealing with, and I don't think she would've understood it anyway! She couldn't measure fluid, didn't understand how much movement they wanted, and was confused about Dex's position. WTH? How did she get this job? She was so excited when she could see that he had hair, but she couldn't figure out where the head was to start with????????????

So 2 hours later, I meet with the OB. And he's one I havent' met with before. He knew nothing about me (he said I was obviously a gestational diabetic - which I'm not), and was foreign so I couldn't understand anything he said anyway! He called our baby "extremely fat" (he was trying to say a big baby, but that's what he said) and called me "grossly disproportionate". He tried so hard, but nothing went right, and finally we just agreed to part ways and hope that we didn't cross paths again. It was that bad!

I'm seriously upset and disappointed. I did learn today that they put a note on my chart that if I go into labor on my own, after today that they will not stop labor but section immediately. I guess that's something....

Anyway, here's the pic from the scan today. She claims that the swirlies around his head are hair. Considering her level of incompetence, I'll believe it when I see it. I mean, Michael and I have a long history of bald babies. ;)

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