Monday, September 11, 2006

10 Days & Ninja Appreciation

Well, here we are. 10 days until the scheduled c-section and I guess it's time to finish up all those ridiculous loose ends we mothers agonize over when it comes time to give birth. I mean, I'm not really for sure WHY or HOW scrubbing my oven and kitchen cupboards is going to affect my birthing experience, but something inside me is adamant that it will.

Today we are tackling the kitchen in its entirety, and I'm also working on our homeschool area while the kiddos do their work. I might add my 10 Day To Baby Scrub Down List later. ;)

I was complaining earlier this week about the 22nd as a scheduled date, but I'm willing to accept gladly now. My OB says we'll be lucky to even make that date, and I believe him at this point. Friday night we timed extremely painful contractions from about 6PM to 2AM. Do we drag the kids out of bed and go in? Do we stay home and risk an abruption and hemmorage? I hate uncertainty. I also hate asparagus, for what it's worth.

My uterus has been absolutely tore up sore since Friday, though, and the contractions coming stronger and more regular. I think I better get my butt in gear and accept that this might possibly not be under my control (shocking, isn't it?). So, that leaves us with the chance that he'll come on his own on Sept. 19th (Talk Like A Pirate Day), and if not, then I'm going to submit his birthdate for national holiday consideration as National Ninja Appreciation Day. Because ninjas are totally sweet. Everyone knows they beat pirates in a street fight anyway because they go all crazy and cut their head off. Absolutely everyone knows that.....

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