Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day Morning. Where's The Presents?

There's nothing particularly worthwhile about somehow ending up out of bed this early on a holiday morning, when the holiday does not involve presents or candy. ;)

Turned on the computer this morning and found out first thing that the Crocodile Hunter has died. There are actually very few celebrities I would classify our family as attached to, but Steve Irwin was one of them. My heart hurts for Terri and his children. On a more personal note, I foresee that Lily particularly isn't going to take this very well..............................

(Someone is up wandering around this house. They better skedaddle back to bed or I'm going to find them and string them up by their toes. They've got to be out of their everloving mind if they think they are going to start the day this early. On a boring holiday especially. House Rule #34: You cannot whine for breakfast until the sun is up.)

Anyway, you all can breathe a collective sigh of relief. After playing with the new Blogger Beta I'm going to wait as long as is humanly possible before I switch the blog over to the new system. I'm sure they will eventually force everyone to, although I don't see their plan as to transferring current blogger addresses. Widgets, etc. are a great idea, except their base designs are, well, in my opinion dorky and unimpressive. Of course, I like things that blink or make people cringe so I could be in the minority on that one.... ;)

I think I'm actually going to head back to bed for a few minutes. We'll see if it's a worthwhile endeavor. I do have some fun stuff to post from over the weekend, and will also be posting some pics I am taking of Kenzie today (hopefully later this afternoon) if the need for photo editing is minimal, but for now I'm drawing a blank. It could be the fact that I'm up this early on a holiday with no damn presents..............

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