Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Back From Triage

I'm home! I know, I know it's disappointing.................

I got checked in and they prepped me like I was going in for delivery - very exciting. Except the OB ward was SERIOUSLY jam packed and we were all being corralled in one sort of waiting room lounge. We're talking women in early labor were there, women needing monitored, etc. all waiting there turn for hours to even be seen. This small town farm girl has never seen so many women in labor, and all I could think as they wandered past the waiting room windows was "could I share a room with her? could I share a room with that one?"

And the answer was definitely NO. No, I couldn't. So after sitting there for several hours clutching my little bag and preparing for this huge momentous event, I bolted. I had to sign like 30 forms to get signed out of the hospital, and they attending nurse was soooo angry with me since I wouldn't even stay for the test they wanted to run for the vomiting at least, but I HAD to get out of there. Women everywhere walking, moaning, leaning on walls; families shuffling around yammering and yapping and eating onion sandwiches while waiting for news on their people. Balloons in and out, food in and out, linens in and out, IVs in and out.......... It was a pleasant enough atmosphere, but there was just tooooo many people and too much going on tonight.

I see my OB tomorrow & Friday. He can let me know what he thinks then about the vomiting. Frankly I think the reality of the upcoming week is that I'm just going to have to avoid solid foods completely (my rugs & walls can't take much more color) and live off of ice water, prenatal vitamins and beef broth until I deliver. Liquids I seem to be able to hold down in small amounts. But it's one week, right? I can do it for one week. Twinkies are overrated anyway.

I really don't imagine there is much they can do to help except deliver me, and after seeing tonight I'm definitely not ready. That place is so massive and so busy, that I would NEVER go there without a scheduled event (can you believe I'm being grateful for a scheduled c-section?). My head is still spinning and I'm sure my OB will have some choice words for me tomorrow for checking myself out, but it was a good learning experience. I won't get talked into going to triage again, and I'm not going back to that hospital for absolutely any reason then for the actual delivery which is Friday morning.

Sorry to disappoint! I really, really thought about going through with it. I know he would've let me deliver tonight if I wanted to, but I just couldn't............... What can I say?? I'm a chickenshit and laboring women in herds are frightening.

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