Friday, September 08, 2006

Pregnancy :: 35 Weeks

For those with a morbid sense of curiosity, here's what my belly looks like at 35 weeks. I have not measured around recently (maybe I can add that measurement later this evening), but my fundal height is measuring in at a whopping 48 cm, when it should be 35. I bet my mother in law is ecstatic that she got me the digital camera now. LOL. I get to post obscene pictures on the internet.....

As you can see it is resemblant of a tiger (growl!) and has developed the "pointy front view" that is associated with polyhydramnios.

I personally am highly amused with it. I am over 37 pounds lighter than I was at this point in the pregnancy with Langdon, but I still have the creepy belly. :) And, no, those pants don't fit over it.

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