Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Kinder Gentler Vomit

This is from yesterday, by the way.

So I went to one of my weekly NSTs this AM and all is fine. I got soaked in a downpour trying to get to the train and into the OBs office. Then it stopped. Then I got soaked in a downpour trying to get back on the train & home. Once I walked in the door, it stopped. I felt an awful lot like my laundry, btw, and it wasn't the best day to wear a white t-shirt.

Anyway, I get home and I cook the kiddos mac & cheese for lunch and get them going on the rest of their schoolwork.

And I then sit down to eat lunch. And it's good, so I ate ALOT of it. Like a third trimester lot of it. And I chased it with a soda. I take my medication for the day and sit down to read posts for a minute..............

[+o(]And I began to puke[+o(]. I'm running down the hall (I run like a 4 ton 3 legged fish btw) all the way projectile vomiting on the walls, carpet, rug. I round the corner to the bathroom, still projectile puking, and manage to coat the door, rugs, robes, towels, all of my makeup, the back wall, the window, and the entire top of the toilet. I finally make it to the actual bowl and *burp* all done, but thanks!

So the kids are scurrying around trying to help me, and being equally fascinated with the horror of it all (kids love nastiness). I get all of it cleaned up (we now have tons of laundry to do & I've got to shampoo the hallway carpet), and I hear my oldest daughter say, "If she chewed her food better, she'd of had a kinder, gentler vomit."

I can't wait 'til she's throwing up and I can offer her some of her own advice!

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