Wednesday, September 13, 2006

'Hisploded Again

Remember yesterday the whole projectile vomiting lunch???

Again today at noon, I feel fine. I eat lunch. And I immediately projectile vomit again[+o(]. Soooo freakin' disgusting. I can't even face cleaning this mess up! I'm still cleaning up yesterdays and working on getting the stains off the rugs & walls.

It's so strange. I'm absolutely not sick. I feel fine in every single way! I'm definitely hydrated as I drink 12-16 glasses of water a day at least and can hold my liquids fine. Stomachs not queasy. No fever. No fatigue. No nada. I just can't hold down any sort of solid food, and there is never any warning. One minute full stomach, next minute dirty wall.

I called my OB and am waiting on a return call. It sounds farfetched, but they have been waiting on me to stop being able to breathe well because I have so much fluid they expect it to begin to compress things around my lungs. I WONDER if maybe I've run out of room to digest??? Is that possible???? I'll update when he calls.

I'm interested in what he has to say. I hope its not the foreign guy & if it is I'm going to point out that this is a type of 'hisploding. I am hisploding on my walls..................

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