Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Baby Got Back!

Back from the sonogram appointment! WoOt!

His kidneys are measuring in at about the same which was the most important info we gathered from today! It's great news! While he does have the same kidney disease his brother has, and Dex does have it in both kidneys equally instead, it is staying fairly moderate so hopefully we can avoid surgery. He'll spend his toddlerhood getting his own sonograms, and there are tons of appts., etc, but the bigger picture is that most likely his kidneys will be able to function without support. YAY!

They could not get a read on where the fluid
is at and finally gave up. LOL. The position of the baby and all the factors were just against it, but they said just looking at what they could see, and going by my fundal height, it is safe to assume that all is about the same/maybe a little worse. That's also great news all things considered. My body can carry this much fluid for another week, no problem, I have done ot so far, right?

The vomiting?????
The baby has positioned his feet/legs directly on/around the stomach! We actually monitored his activity quite a bit today and he's bouncing his feet off of it. I CAN'T feel ANYTHING when he does but I automatically wretch. This is also great news! I'm just gonna have to eat very small amounts and carry a bowl this week. There's not a darn thing we can do about it, and because there is so much fluid, thus he is extraordinarily free moving, even if we manually manipulated his position he would just go back to what he likes, which is evidently springboarding off my stomach.

And, last, but not least????? Dex is weighing in at a whopping 8# and some change! While we know it can be off a little either way, we had 3 different techs come in and verify the measurements, as well as the doc doing his whole palpitating thing on the abdomen/baby and they feel it's pretty accurate. He made their sonogram memory book of "keepers" as not very many babies weigh in at this much by their 36th week without gestational diabetes involved (which it isn't). It was hilarious to see a baby that is bigger than most are at term, all stretched out and laying like a bad bearskin rug. He has no limitations on his movement and isn't the least bit squished in there. OB said I couldn't pay him enough to see this baby to term and then try to deliver him naturally. He's large, lanky, opinionated and comfortable. LMAO.

I might post the sonogram pic they gave me, but I don't like it much. They were scanning his face and we got to watch him stick his tongue in and out, smack his mouth, blink, rub his nose, etc. It was truly amazing! BUT the pic they gave me makes him look like a deformed, decapitated lama..... All you can see is what I guess must be a mouth and fat cheeks with a tongue hanging out. I think I'm going to throw it away because it's creeping me out.

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