Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Stealing My Stationwagon

We are scheduled to go to the auto dealer Thursday. While that isn't particularly exciting to most people, we only buy a car every 5 or 6 years because we have horrible credit from student loan to income ration believe in living debt free.

Each time we go through this we not only buy something "newer", we also aim to purchase something "originally nicer" so that the next time we are in a better position to upgrade. It's worked out pretty well. It was my idea, by the way. Michael refuses to take part in the car purchasing process so that if it sucks it's all on me; that's okay though because I have a pretty good car nose and so he has to give me props for it every single time he gets in the vehicle and it starts. Anyway, so far we :

  • started out in a crappy Caravan
  • minor upgrade to something we called a Frog (it was only an upgrade because it ran and the old van didn't)
  • then to a Taurus Stationwagon
  • next was to a Mitsubishi (which coined the forever popular Grantham term "tooling around town in your Mitsubishi")
  • and finally landed in a Voyager (little Star Trek humor there in case you missed it)
  • to which we added an exact replica of our original Taurus Stationwagon (two cars is always better than one).
  • This time we were lucky enough to locate a Town & Country in our range and if all goes well we should pick it up Thursday. By the time we upgrade again people will probably be starting to get sick of their Hummers. Little auto humor there. Wasn't very funny though was it?
Affording this one has required me to not only turn over my van as trade in but also my stationwagon. I'm a little bitter over that. I had planned to put fatty tires on it, paint it red, add flames, a sweet stereo system and have it shag carpeted. The really sad thing is you all think I'm kidding; you just don't know me at all. So sad. Michael promised to replace it with an equally dorky one to fix up in a few years but he's lying.

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