Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blowing Snow. Get Your Mind Out Of The Gutter.

It's been snowing since the wee hours of this morning. Why this may seem an expected aspect of winter for many of you, I just spent 6 years in the South where snow was regarded as mythical substance of which one heard about a great deal but never actually saw. Like unicorns. Like Leprechauns. Like families in modern America not rife with dysfunction; mythical, I tell you.

So we took one of our snow days. Such an announcement was so well recieved by the masses (my large # of children) that they did my chores for the day and decided to get along; which lasted extraordinarily well until one of them spoke. I suppose I won't let them know that we are awaiting the arrival of our new curriculum direction anyway, and the worst I would've academically demanded of them was math, creative writing and penmanship. But they don't need to know that because then I might lose my rockstar status.

Anyway, dear ones, it is snowing scads. It hasn't stopped or even let up really at all and is promised to continue into the night. I've spent a great deal of time today in my work area, looking out the window and thinking of unique ways to punish my husband for making me move to the South where I missed this for years on end; however, as he walks home from the train every night and will have to wade through ice, slush and snow in the bitter cold and dark tonight I'll let life itself serve up its version of justice.

PS - Everynight I offer to go pick him up but he won't hear of it. I'm not completely heartless you know; just mostly. Anyway, maybe I'll share my recipe tonight for what I'm cooking. It could kick off the long awaited series of posts called 101 Reasons To Dismember A Chicken. Very exciting stuff; most things involving small animal cadaveors usually are.

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