Saturday, February 10, 2007

Food For Thought. Or Not.

I rarely regret being poor at this point in our life. I am regretting it a bit as we try to find a way to acquire a new vehicle. I regret it a bit when I am denied chinese food by this whole "pay the electricity bill" sort of mentality that has engulfed my husband. And, as I stumbled upon this I regretted it terribly................ =sigh= Oh to be wealthy enough to sit on a such a toilet =sigh=

PS - No. I'm not kidding.


Anonymous said...

Where do the fish go when the water goes down and before it fills back up? Do they just flop there and hope for the best?

Ryl's thought of the day. lol

Anonymous said...

I saw this toilet on tv the other day, and I must admit, that deep down inside (maybe not as deep as you think) I really want this thing! Thought, I think my husband may have a problem with the fish watching him while he's doing his stuff.