Sunday, February 11, 2007

Eat Bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Eat Bananas.....

So Dexter likes bananas. This is a huge event in our lives as we have been attempting solids for an ashamedly long time in hopes of sleeping through the night to make his tummy feel better and we have gotten absolutely nowhere. Nada. Zip. Rare is the molecule of solid food that has stayed inside the mouth of Chubbles The Angry Piggy, and in fact, most solid foods have exited via the gnashing of teeth while using my face for target practice.

Tonight, because I had nothing better to do and am by my very nature a sadomasochist I care greatly for his health and well being, we broke out the bananas. And he ate the entire jar; rather hurriedly in fact.

I'm hoping this goes better than the time I attempted to force feed him prunes. He had an allergic reaction to those that involved a bad case of the hives, much screaming, and back arching all while attempting to claw out my eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have done the greens (peas and beans) the orange (carrots) and now today was the yellow (bannanas)... we still have yet to sleep through the night but we looooovvvvveeee food :)

PS: Its Ryl