Monday, February 19, 2007

Felony Theft's Relation To Cheese Whiz

I was robbed! Geez. I finished my last section of content training modules and went to take the section exam. After that I would've advanced on to the final exam and if that was passed they got one more shot at me with the training overview assessment.

I clicked on the section exam and it booted my butt directly into the final. Which is fine except LANGDON PUKED ALL OVER MOST OF MY NOTES LAST NIGHT and so I had next to nothing to refer to (I had planned on revisiting past modules and replacing my notes before the exam). And, yes, we are expected to refer to our notes because the amount of information is so massive and indepth that training is actually a bootcamp in note taking versus information absorption.

82.7% I was robbed I tell you. Ah, well there are worse things than mediocrity. Cheese Whiz comes to mind. I'm off to put on my khaki pants and admire how poorly I look.

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