Sunday, February 18, 2007

Not For Wussies With Weak Stomachs

So Dexter threw up on me. He threw up all over my shirt and thoroughly saturated one side of my head. And I started yelling and running in circles trying to get the vomit out of my ear. The girls were no help as they stood there pointing and yelling things like "it's all over", "oh geez I'm gonna never have kids" etc. etc..........................

I am handed a towel. I began to try to wipe the vomit off my shirt and sqeeze it out of my hair. And I am struck in the back full force with more vomit. Lots of vomit. Macaroni & Cheese with Hot Dogs vomit. It was Langdon.

And as I stood there with puke dripping out of my hair, soaking through my shirt, and running down both legs it occured to me that all of this happened within 3 feet of the computer and they both had missed it entirely as well as missing the taxes paperwork. Life is pretty good. Although Lang managed to thoroughly saturate over 24 pages of handwritten notes for my work exams which is too damn serious. Ah, well.................. kids, right?

So it looks like Langdon is now coming down with it. Please, please, please dont' give up on me (Shanna, Kim, RYL, emma, Shanny, etc......). I swear I am going to get email, messages, etc. taken care of once things settle down here. I am literally knee deep in it right now......

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