Friday, February 02, 2007

Navigating Cities & The Humor Of Ham

Getting around a city, especially a new one, takes some getting used to. I have theory on this so grab your pen and paper because you are in for a real treat:

Follow the people who seem to know where they are going; if they are so sure they want to go there then they must be going somewhere good.

This has only failed me two times; both of those time I ended up at meat packing plants. Had I been able to come up with a plausible reason to go to such a place then the theory wouldn't have failed at all but it was extraordinarily difficult to come up with an excuse to frequent a place that overflows with blood and intestinal excess. On the bright side, now that we homeschool I will just waltz right in there and ask for a 3 hour tour because such establishments are considered a staple educational experience; this will mean that my theory never fails. Ever.

Friends & Family Type People - I hope to catch up with everyone this weekend. This week has kicked my butt up one side of the street and down the other. On the bright side we have advanced all of the girls into new math concepts, instituted a generally agreed upon proofreading system and spent a large portion of Michael's money (when he comes home I'll be sure to tell him all of these things except the money part). We also are approaching the end of our indepth study of biblical lineages and their ramifications on world population. The girls managed to not laugh too hard that Noah named one of his children Ham. A huge accomplishment considering the last time we discussed Noah and his son Ham they acted a fool all week claiming that they would name their offspring Salami and Bacon. Little idiots. Anyway, have patience; I do love you ever so much; certainly more than my IUD but that's another post.

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