Thursday, February 15, 2007

Designing Not Resigning

Yes, the design did change. No, it isn't complete. I haven't the time. Neither is it fantastic. I haven't the skills. I mean, I've got skills - my DH wanted 1 child and had 5. I obviously have skills. The question is whether that is in the dark or in the art of manipulation. I leave that to your imagination. And the only reason I included the rather disturbing verbal imagery (much to everyone's chagrin) in the last sentence is because I wanted the opportunity to point out that manipulation and imagination rhyme.

Anyway, I am allowing some advertising/sponsors to enter the L3 enviroment. While I understand they can be quite distracting, they are also kind of bright and shiny with snazzy little pictures. Like a raccoon, I simply cannot resist such things. Also, they can pay rather well, resulting in my being able to afford a design by a professional. One simply cannot take over the world properly when their blogs are dressed in secondhand togs. And again with the no one would've realized that blogs and togs rhyme without my bringing it to your attention. And you're very welcome. I blog to please.

Yes. We are entering a unit on poetry. On the bright side, I am merely bringing into this blog the rhyming baggage and not the haiku crap.

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