Monday, February 05, 2007

Go Lick A Pole

It is snowing here. My children completed their schoolwork and went out to play. My oldest daughter dared my middle daughter to stick her tongue to a pole; which she did. And it stuck. The daughter that dared came and got me. We rushed own three stories with warm water. She had already violently removed her tongue and was bleeding no small amount. The neighbors were staring. The third daughter, who's light seems a little dimmer than 40 watts in certain circumstances, never even looked up from where she was drawing on the sidewalk, even while her older sister flailed around with her face stuck to a pole not 3 ft from where she was sitting.

So for anyone awaiting my response via phone, email or smoke signal, please read the above situation. Twice.


Princess Jami said...

Oh. Owie!! I don't mean to be heartless, but a little part of me wants to giggle.

Anonymous said...

I did that, when I was 5. The toughest girl in kindergarten dared me to. I couldn't bow down, this girl used to beat up the boys!

To this day, I blame my big ears on my kindergarten teacher, as that's what she held on to to pull me off of the pole. There was no warm water involved, no, that would've been humane.

I guess it's a rite of passage.