Friday, October 27, 2006

We Won The World Series........

Go Cards. We kick ass. And, yes, we're better than you.............. am waiting on the fireworks to start (they always do fireworks when the Cardinals win a game) I imagine it might be quite a show? since it's the world series.......... We're not far from the Loop and I wager there is a serious party going on there. Can't really say as I have 23 kids and haven't left the house alone, much less at night with the intentions of becoming highly intoxicated, in years........

Michael is out of town on a "retreat". My question is what exactly are they "retreating" from? What in the world do a bunch of overeducated, pompous ass holes have to "retreat" from exactly? That's my question. Not that Michael is an overeducated, pompous ass hole. He just plays one on TV.

I'm off to bed. Dex has taken to getting up again in the middle of the night. I refer to my earlier post about NEVER trusting a newborn. I could begin a rant here about the fall of man and the innate sinfulness of human nature but I think I'll let it go for now; he is after all only 5 weeks old. He is also one of the most placid, peaceful creatures on the planet so I just can't bring myself to complain too much.

For fam & friends: I swear I'll get birth announcements out this weekend. It's been a rough week, and I'm behind as always. You all know me. I was born late and never have managed to get caught up.

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