Friday, October 06, 2006

Micrognathia - A Closer Look

One of my friends didn't understand what micrognathia was so I sent her some pics this AM and thought I'd go ahead and post it here just because......

Micrognathia is the medical term for a recessed chin and is usually associated with several serious diseases, however sometimes it just happens which is the case with Dex. He's perfectly healthy just with little/to no chin.

As you can see from the pictures he has practically no chin (poor guy LOL) which has at this point made it impossible for him to latch on to breastfeed and also affects which nipples he can use with bottles; in fact it usually takes us almost an hour of careful work to feed him 3-4 oz. because he has some trouble sucking and swallowing at the same time. We're looking into some of the specialty feeding options available, but I think we really won't need to go that route - patience is probably all that's really required. On the bright side, he will most likely outgrow it during puberty, which is a good thing, because picking up chicks is difficult with no chin..... ;)

Here's from the side which illustrates the issue a little clearer (click on the photos to see them full size):


Anonymous said...

follow this link for info about feeding strategies to make mealtimes even more fun for you and your son

he may have a smaller tongue due his small jaw and changes in position or use of different bottles and spoons will help

good luck

Jend469 said...

Hi - My name is Jen - and I am currently 20 weeks pregnant & they have just diagnosed the baby as having micrognathia - you are the first person/posting I've found that is not all scientific/medical and - I would like some more information - if possible - on a personal level - and not medical - I'm having an MRI done next week - to see the soft/hard palettes along with meeting w/a plastic surgeon - so if you get this and can help please email me back at: - thanks so much. Jen

louise said...

Hi My Name is Louise, i have a 16 week old son who was diagnosed as having moderate micrognathia at birth and small low set ears. To be honest i never noticed anyting wrong, but it is somthing the docs picked up in Hospital. They took blood from me,my husband, and my son and found he has a Chromosome rearangement which comes from me(something i never knew i had until now), tests are ongoing to establish this rearrangement. I was naturally exetremely worried at first as it sounds bad. But i have been told he does NOT have a syndrome which is relief. Apart from this feature, which you wouldn't even know he had unless you were a Doctor he is doing really well. We are meeting with a Geneticist in January to find out the results.

Anonymous said...

Hi, i just gave birth to a twins , 1 boy 1 girl, my boy seem to have small chin too, very similar to the boy's picture you post on your blog. i looked at the date of your blog, it is already a few year passed, wondering if you have a new pciture of the same boy. my email is . my boy feed fine on bottle. doctor didn't seem to say anything about and i forgot to ask too.

kirsten said...

Im concerned that my unborn son may be born with micrognathia. Can you tell frimthe ultrasounds? Im very worried....

Kerry said...

Any update on your son's chin?

Kerry said...

Any update on your son's chin?