Thursday, October 12, 2006

My Balls Are THIS Big.

Summer actually had poison ivy. It now is covering her legs, arms, stomach, chest, and face. It also creeped into her eyes and swoll her left one shut. I think the worst part of it all is the smugness she is displaying through it all that I didn't believe her. =Yeesh=

So that leads into our day. I wake up this morning at 3:30AM with Dexter. He goes back down about 5:30AM and I try to go back to sleep. No luck as my back is hurting too bad so suffice it to say that my day started at 3:30....

Dex gets back up at 7AM (he is in growth spurt and is literally eating us out of house and home), and we drift in and out together in the chair. Works great until some men arrive to mow our lawn (in freakin' October?) and for some reason they decide to get on our roof and irritate the squirrels. So I give in and get up.

I began working through my huge to do list. Pay electricity? Check. Pay gas? Check. Pay phone? Check. Call maintenance about heater? Check. Call for WIC appt. (look I wasn't planning on having to formula feed this little one as I always nurse and we need a little help)? Check.

WIC wants us to come in today. Uugh. This means finding my way around the city to a place I've never been and with 5 kids (I've only gone out with the 5 kids without Michael one other time which was yesterday). But, fine............ we'll do it. I call for everyone to get ready.

Then Summer wanders into the room with her eye completely swollen shut and a look on her face that tells me that I am never going to hear the end of this situation. Hypochondriac that she is, she was right about the poison ivy thing; and now she's blind. So I call the pediatrician and she wants us in there at 2PM. Well, fine.......... we'll do that too.

As everyone gets ready I wander outside to the balcony and realize that it is freezing cold and my kids don't have a stitch of winter clothing or coats (how did the cold weather sneak up me like that? Of course I'm used to Shreveport.........). Okay, so we'll make a stop by the thrift store and see what we can get; I mean we'll be out anyway.

This might have been tolerable but all the meds I've been taking to try to up my milk supply have totally taken their toll on my body (that is still recovering from a c-section and tummy tuck thank you very much) and I have (this is too much information but I just don't care at this point) diarrhea so bad I can't even describe it (grateful, aren't you). Thus I am dehydrated and all the activity makes me start bleeding heavily again and clotting (love the postpartum period). Now we all know about my total phobia of public bathrooms, right? I WILL NOT use them, Sam I Am, and today was no exception. So I spent the entire day wandering around St. Louis, fighting diarrhea, while slowly bleeding to death with 5 kids in tow; one that was blind from poison ivy and one that was only 3 weeks old (we won't talk about the other 3 although trust me they have their hang ups).

Long story short, which it actually hasn't been, this has been one of the most trying days of my life even though the kids were angelic. It was exhausting, overwhelming, and a great reminder of why I have withdrawn from society at large. However, I did manage to almost entirely outfit 6 kids for an entire season, including winter coats, and all namebrands thank you, for less than $85. I'm a bad ass.

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