Friday, October 06, 2006

Okay, Forget Racoons. Let's Go With Possums.

Okay, so when we moved here we realized that our apartment is surrounded by a large community of squirrels. We're talking a HUGE community of squirrels here. And that's fine. Squirrels are cute, right? They get in the trash and occasionally go tearing down the building scaring the heck out of anyone by that window, but still okay. We can do squirrels....

A few days ago my DH called me out to see that it wasn't just the squirrels going through our trash and making a huge mess. It was the biggest, fattest raccoon you've ever seen. Okay, we can do racoons too, right? They're cute. Messy, but cute.

So this morning I go out to throw a shoe at the racoon so it'll stop throwing out trash out of the bin and what looks up at me instead? A freakin' 'possum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I took my shoe and went back inside. Opossums are not cute and it was a nice shoe. I swear! Am I living in the middle of a major city or at Green Acres?!? What's coming next? Badgers?

DISCLAIMER: For all the animal activists out there: I'm a terrible aim and am throwing from the 3rd story - I'd never actually hit the thing without some intervention from God himself, as so far He hasn't seen it necessary to intervene on my behalf. I usually miss by about 20 feet and I've lost 2 shoes so far btw..................

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