Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Negative. I Am A Meat Popsicle.

Anyone who is a Fifth Element fan (we're HUGE fans) will appreciate why the title is humorous. It is also the answer we are giving everyone when they ask what we are being for Halloween.

Anyway, we don't celebrate Halloween so the girls planned a Harvest Party and I'm helping them carry out their plan today. Let it be said that our trip to the grocery store was outrageously expensive and Michael is going to croak; I know I did. I guess, though, it only comes once a year and today is payday. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

On the note of spending more $, it seems Summer broke some of the little bones on the top of her foot yesterday and I guess I'm going to have to head to the pediatrician. The reality is that they can't do anything about it, but she is fussing and acting a fool over it all and so we'll go. Otherwise she'll bring it up in therapy as an adult. Trust me. She plans her therapy sessions out in her free time; the girl keeps notes.

Michael left for work at 5AM this morning and isn't expected home until late this evening. He says November is going to be like this. If I had a smilie it would be one rolling it's eyes, hanging out it's tongue with angry eyebrows. I am weary, can you tell? I'm tired of doctorates, post doctorates, and science in general. As a matter of fact, I don't even believe in Science - don't tell Michael though or he'll hit me. I think it's a trick God played on mankind to keep them from figuring out anything meaningful. I mean look at the influenza epidemic of 1918. We've learned to make boobs bigger, make boobs smaller, inject people with radioactive dye, and which parts of the brain must be missing to make a savant, but we still can't adequately address the flu. We're all going to die. I'm kidding. Mostly.

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