Wednesday, October 18, 2006

That's Not Luggage. That's Your Cat.

There was actually a moronic man who tried to check his cat as luggage at the airport. He didn't seem to understand that the duffle bag would be crushed during the process; his main concern was that the fabric "breathes". Idiots like this run amuck among us, and they can afford plane tickets.

I'm averaging about 5 minutes online a day so please bear with me. There are several blogs I want to catch up on (like Kathy! You must be getting close!) and I owe some emails. I also have a couple of online projects I would like to begin/work on, but I'm a little short on time. I did not realize how much I had let my life, home, kids, schedule spiral out of control during the pregnancy until I tried to pick up the pieces and salvage it. This is gonna take me a minute or two to get everyone back under control and operating in line with the master plan to take over the world.

The girls are doing well on the schoolwork. We've finally found a comfortable schedule that works with our curriculum and I am getting JUST enough sleep to almost participate. Luckily, they are self starters, and where I am dragging at right now, they are keeping up with on their own. Each week we do better though, and by next week I should be on their tails full time. They're really excited about that (dripping with sarcasm for the humor impaired).

Langdon is acting out which isn't a surprise at all considering how drastically his life has changed recently. We really fixated and spoiled him to a horrid extreme, and now we are reaping the fruits of our labor. He is a brilliant, conniving, blonde haired evil genius. It's hard to say no to the charm, but if you manage to, it is even harder to say no when he attacks your ankle like a pit bull.

Dexter is now averaging about 5 hours of straight sleep a night (which is amazing really). He is really a phenomenal baby. I'm thinking God knows what we can handle, and after the difficult pregnancy, the rough start to the school year, as well as Michael working 24/7 he took mercy on me and passed the grumpy baby off on someone else (hate it for ya'). Granted he struggles with constipation, but he's a trooper. And let me add here, that his head is ginormous. They told me that at the hospital, but he seemed so small I couldn't understand what they meant. I do now. His head is like a soccer ball stuck on a pencil. It's quite humorous and I think he'll be a little behind his peers in getting control of that melon.

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