Friday, October 20, 2006

Birth Announcements En Route

You know, I really must update certain aspects of my blog. Everything leans toward "I'm Pregnant", which I no longer am, obviously. I'm just having a hard time finding time or motivation to do so.

Birth Announcements are going out over the weekend, so if you're related to me in any 'round about way, you might keep your ear tuned for a call (mostly Mom and Nana). Most of my addresses for everybody are years old. On the bright side this will really simplify my Christmas card experience this year.

Speaking of Christmas, that is one reason I am so missing in action at this point. I'm trying to figure out in advance a game plan, and it's a difficult undertaking. The girls are growing up and developing "opinions" and "preferences". Blech. I liked them better when they liked everything; or were at least co-dependant enough to fake it.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I'm so excited for you and the upcoming baby! Whoo hooo!

I LOVE your Karo syrup suggestion! I hadn't thought about that, and I don't think I would've known what to do with it once I got it! I bought some today and we're going to start next bottle. I hope it helps him. I think he is filled with poop up to his gills..........

I think the putting the birth annoucnement IN with the christmas cards is a good idea, or just do a christmas card with a special note or letter or pic celebrating his arrival??? I don't know the exact etiquette, but I know several mommas that actually waited until they got a good pic (at about 4 months) to send it out..... I figure whatever works for you!

I'll stop by the blog today and check for updates.... Hugs to you!!!