Sunday, October 01, 2006

Stupid, Racoons?

So almost every morning since we moved in we have found our trash strewn around the back parking area on a very regular basis. After several days of careful watching, we came to the conclusion that the squirrels were doing it, as we watched them go in and out of the trash cans all day. Actually we first accused the children but I don't have to admit to that........

Anyway, late last night my husband calls me out to the fire escape and we watch the fattest racoon I've ever seen carefully and thoughtfully sort through our trash; throwing stuff over its shoulder until it found the good stuff and managing to do a large amount of "trashing" with minimal effort.

I actually did get a picture but it didn't turn out very well. Evidently photographing wildlife from 3 stories up is for the professionals. Regardless, my question is this: What in the heck is a racoon doing in the middle of St Louis anyway?????

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