Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dexter - All A'Growed

Well, according to my calculations, Dexter has cleared 10 pounds at some point during his 5th week. My extremely scientific approach was to weigh myself holding him, and then weigh myself not holding him. I figured the difference and there you go. Pretty impressive for a baby that has trouble eating, and lost 14% of his body weight at birth.

I'm not terribly surprised though. He is currently eating 6 oz. bottles some feedings and 8 oz. bottles at the other feedings. According to all the baby rearing books and websites he should be taking no more than 4-5 oz at any feeding. Luckily I completely ignore all books and websites about raising babies/children. Have you noticed that the authors/creators of those sites have 1.6 kids at most? What exactly do they think they know about raising children (plural) and under what circumstance are we to assume they gained the knowledge? Hmmm? It's all theory, lovers.

He is also smiling here and there. Of course, it's always with the bottle crammed in his mouth. I suspect this little guy is going to grow up to really, really like meal time. Call it a mother's hunch.

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