Sunday, October 15, 2006

Drops In A Bucket

If any of the men that read my blog (ie possibly a brother, and my nickname Little Bastard Jones ia misnomer because I also have a father contrary to unfortunate rumours) are sick of hearing about my postpartum problems, just know that it will end soon. It's very hard for a woman to see around her situation or her bosoms for the first 6 weeks after birth.

So Dexter can't latch on because of his chin. I can't produce milk because I valiantly attempted to bleed to death post delivery. Yet everyday I spend several hours of it with a miniaturized milking machine attached to my breasts in an attempt to force some milk out for him. As the member of a dairy family I must say that I find it very disturbing and have recently had some bouts' of pity for all the cows we did this to over the years; it's not pleasant, just so you know.

Anyway, my breast pump uses these massive wide necked bottles that are larger than Dexter's head (yes a minor exaggeration). And last night it occured to me the problem with these gallon size bottles (especially for women who don't actually produce any milk but are humoring themselves).

With the small, normal size bottles you can pump 2OZ. and feel like you have solved world hunger. It looks like a HUGE amount in there sloshing around. Total satisfaction.

With the monster, huge bottles you can pump 2OZ. and it makes you feel like you just pissed on a forest fire; the thought was nice, but the effort wasn't really worth it.


Hey, everyone, beyond the boobs......

Summer is slowly recovering, although the blisters have now come full force on her hands. She is extremely miserable, but at least she can see again... -_0

We got stuck in a traffic jam last night and ended up getting back from our "short grocery trip" at about 1AM, and didn't get everything put away until about 2AM, and I didn't get Dexter down until about 3AM.......... We did make friends with a world famous BBQer, and realized that we have crossed the line into a NOVELTY. People counted us repeatedly, and several made comments. I had no idea that such a small baby could tip the scales from "haven't they heard of birth control" to "my god tie them down or they'll reproduce again". I rather enjoy it. People say "Wow, I could never do it" and I get to respond "You're right. You probably couldn't". And go on my way.

I'll leave you with a picture of Dexter with his lovey (a type of burp cloth special made by his Nana) which he will not burp, sleep, or sit contentedly (perhaps I should say confusedly - if that is a word) without. Everyone remember my blanket???? This is so my child.

Don't you LOVE the pacifier? Look closely. You can see up the middle into his fishy mouth. It's hilarious.....

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