Friday, August 25, 2006

Pregnancy :: Pirate C-Section Discussions - OB Appt.

Hey, friends! I just got back from my OB appt. and wanted to update everybody on the news! Here's what we found out (and if you need any of the terms explained scroll down to the post with the first OB appt. where I linked everything up to explanations ;)

Polyhydramnios -
The fluid has increased (just as I said it would - cookie for me) from a measurement of 28 to 32. Because it has continued to follow the same pattern as it did for Lang (started at the same time, increased incrementally at the same levels) the OB said that we can just expect it to continue the same route (ie more fluid continuously until delivery). At this rate it is about getting as far as we can.

I told him I was not interested in amnioreduction, and he agreed as long as I can continue to breathe normally and we don't see a decrease in my organs functioning. By not draining off the fluid we are taking a risk of sudden labor (the uterus just can't take the extension anymore, etc.), but with amnioreduction we would be taking the risk of causing a placental abruption & hemmoraging due to quickly decreasing the uterine size.

I'm telling you all this, because this choice is an important one. It means he will need to be born much sooner than if we were draining the fluid. Fact is, I am in absolutely no hurry to have this little guy (I like him where he's at - so much quieter), but neither am I interested in taking a weekly risk of a hemmorage by multiple reductions. I've done that before (the hemmorage) and it scared the bejezus out of me.

Hydronephrosis -
With the scan we did today we were able to see that the baby's condition has progressed from mild to moderate. Again, as expected. A pediatric urologist will be on hand at his birth, and we will follow the same close monitoring we did with Lang as an infant.

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction -
I am meeting with a physical therapist & orthopedic surgeon on Thursday to develop a plan on how we want to treat this during the (short) remainder of this pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

We pretty much ruled out a VBAC today, because while my uterus MIGHT (not likely with the polyhydramnios "decompression" issue) be able to do it, I just can't imagine the recovery of pushing a baby out of this messed up pelvis.

They also made a list of all the things I can't do (they recommended a nanny - very funny) which consisted of everything I absolutely must do on a daily basis & they upped my meds considerably.

Fluffy Condition -
Yes, baby is still exceptionally fluffy (read chubby) and this is turning out to be a wonderful thing. If he's coming earlier than expected he needs every ounce he can pack on. We watched him breathing his fluid for the entire time of the scan, and he also sucked his thumb and patted his eye. Very awesome! LOL. The OB pointed out that one of the interesting thing about polyhydramnios babies is that they are not confined at all (have soooo much room), and he proved this by turning completely from front to back during the scan without so much as brushing against a side....

What does all this mean? It means everything and yet defines nothing all at the same time. We are going to push through as far as we can for time. However, the OB indicated that 2-3 more weeks would be our absolute max accomplishment with the way the fluid is increasing. We're looking at about September 15th (although it is not set in stone yet - yes, Lily is excited). I might possibly push for September 21st (back to the pirate day - all little boys want to be born on Talk Like A Pirate Day). Yet even these guesses depend on the assumption that my uterus can withstand the strain (which I believe it can) and not go into labor on its own.

They have me going in to be monitored & attending misc. appointments 3 times a week now, so that really cuts into my nesting/ preparation time also. Not to mention it is taking me 4x as long to get anything done with my whole pelvis issue. We are going to have to simplify and prioritize what we want to get done the most and I'm going to have to accept the fact that he will be arriving in less than perfect circumstances. Aw, well, par for the course, right? It's an imperfect world................... :)

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