Thursday, August 31, 2006

Physical Therapist, Physical Schmerapist

Well, I have another appointment this afternoon except this one is with the physical therapist instead of the OB. Frankly, I am working really hard on backing out of it, but no luck so far. From everything I understand, there is not one thing they can do to help the situation; only the end of the pregnancy will help the situation and it's just not time yet. I hate wasting time and money so someone can tell me that. =sigh= Who knows, maybe I'll come home with a completely different view of the experience, but we'll see.

I woke up this morning at 4AM again and found myself quoting the Animaniacs ("My bottom hursts - Wakko). At least my subconscious hasn't lost its sense of humor.

And, because this is such a cheery type of post, we got a call from our new bank that there is a problem with our old bank that needs addressed. =sigh= This month is going to be uber tight financial wise anyways (especially since baby is probably coming) and we just didn't need this. The situation was completely out of our control, but they have added a ton of fees up the wazoo anyway. I talked them down $50 but that's as low as they would go. On the bright side, the bank lady said she loved us. People are weirdos.

Now, Michael is going to freak on the $$ thing, and get really, really tight fisted for awhile. Which is understandable, although last night he insisted on asking me if I really had to have Grape Nuts because they are expensive. Huh? Did you just ask me if I really had to have Grape Nuts? Yes, I'm 8 months pregnant, I can't walk or drive, haven't left the house for days, and throw up all the time. Yes, dear one, I must have Grape Nuts. Or I am going to bawl. And make scene. And tell your mother. Needless to say he bought the Grape Nuts. ;)

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