Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pregnancy :: Dueling Banjos Of Metabolism

That's the point I'm in with this pregnancy right now. My body says sleep, his evidently says not so much.

For the past 2 weeks or so I've been waking up every single morning at 4AM and been wide awake. Hyper actually. However, there is nothing more pitiful than a woman who is now measuring 48 inches around waddling & limping around an echoey home at an absurd time of day trying to think of amusing things to do in the dark.

I'm sure there are multiple technical explanations for such behavior, but I have to believe it's nature way of preparing us for a newborn. Everyone says "rest, rest" during the final few weeks, but our bodies seem to be specifically designed to exclude that possibility so that we avoid the shell shock of parenting a newborn.

Before my pelvis got so bad I was going out each morning at 5AM and doing the grocery shopping. Then it was making all sorts of superfluous lists. Now it is watching FOX News and surfing the web. At the rate my productivity is decreasing, I suspect by next week I'll just be sitting in a dark room picking my nose.

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