Monday, August 28, 2006

I Don't Nest. I Compulsively Prepare.

Nesting is a stupid term. Every single stupid thing a pregnant woman done is chalked up to "nesting". Birds nest. Platypusses nest (I think). Pregnant women compulsively prepare for the inevitable. We really deserve a more worthy word for our behaviors.

That being said, I am working all hours of the day and night to try and get this house ready for Dexter's arrival. Trying to completely re-evaluate and reorganize one's life is difficult enough after a major move, but trying to do that while figuring into the equation a new family member is a huge job. Let's throw in that it is the turn of the season (the clothing change out is coming), and the fact that I walk like a three legged fish, and you can imagine the terminally slow place at which things are progressing. Actually it's going okay, but to me it seems to be in slow motion...

The most interesting aspect of it all has been the fact that my computer is somehow a priority. Not having my graphics copied off, my files alphabetized, or my software applications updated is driving me out of my everloving mind. Haunting me at 3 or 4 in the morning. Can someone explain that one to me? Hmmm?

Yesterday I got the last of Dex's clothes washed & put neatly away. The bassinet is prepared. My breasts have not detached themselves and gotten their own place. So, he can dress, sleep and eat. I guess the rest is just gravy.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I didn't know the tagboard is covering part of the lettering...

I set it up pixel specific on my screen (which is not a brilliant thing to do) and hoped for the best.

I'll squeeze things together today. Or just change it. LOL. You know me....