Friday, November 10, 2006

This Means War

So I run into the Nazi Lactivist Nutrionist this morning. Not a big deal. I considered making a smart aleck remark about nursing while hanging upside down off a jungle gym but refrained.

She asks about my baby sling - she loves it, blah, blah, blah. She asks about homeschooling - she supports it blah, blah, blah. And then the conversation (per her) turns to breastfeeding. She asks how nursing is going. I tell her for the umpteenth time that I am not able to nurse and rail off the reasons. Again. For the millionth time. Again.

And she says, "Well he'll definitely benefit from your hands on approach to parenting!". She smiles. She follows it up with, "and he'll have all these bright kiddos who WERE breastfed to help keep him company!" In case you can't decipher the message here because her tone of voice is missing from the text, she was taking at jab at Dexter's intelligence because of formula. Again.

This, of course, means war. I'm in all seriousness considering letting the air out of her tires.


Anonymous said...

Tell her that Dexter's father was never breastfed. If she wants to have a challenge of intelligence, I'll put my 3 kids who were not breastfed up against anyone. Your kids have a double dose of intelligence from their mom and dad. The food that is fed to a baby at birth is the least of what makes them an intelligent, responsible, loving person. Love, Nana

I have not been able to sign in, I guess I forgot my password, anyway I couldn't get it to work, so that's why I'm "anonymous".

Anonymous said...

I was formula fed and I was the smartest kid in my school. I wonder if that meathead was breastfed? She doesn't seem very smart, in either case.