Friday, November 03, 2006

Don't Feed Stray Babies

Michael is home all day today and most of tomorrow so I can take it easy after getting my IUD in this morning. It hurt considerably more than I remember it doing last time, and, in fact, at one point I accused my OB of attempting to puncture my lungs.

We're dealing with city inspections on the apartment and having to finagle the system over the number of people living here (common with a large family in the city). It's pretty terrifying actually (the idea of trying to move right now and even finding a place that's big enough anyway) but I think we've come to an under the table agreement with the city to stay put. It's a don't ask, don't tell situation and I pray it holds. I considered telling them that Dexter was a stray (thus couldn't be counted against us). You know, the whole "we fed him once and he kept coming back" thing...............

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