Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday Indeed

Yes, I left the house this morning long before the sun and wandered aimlessly around Target & Wal-Mart bearing witness to the chaos. I also occasionally participated although I assure you it was mainy for amusement value. Normally I'd blather on and on about what all occurred but it was overshadowed by what just happened.............

I'm sitting here playing with my Amazon lists and Summer runs screeching into the room that there is man with a crowbar breaking out our neighbor's car windows. Geez. So Michael and I jump up and go out to the balcony. The thieves didn't see us, but we were at a loss as to what to do exactly. Yell and let them run away? Go back inside quietly and let them continue to damage the car and probably get away anyway? I have no idea when the decision was made, but at some point I yelled something about "Yea you better run M*therF*cker" - which is terrible language - at about the same time the lookout spotted us. And they did exactly that. But not before damaging the neighbor's car and no doubt figuring out which vehicles are ours.

=sigh= So please pray right along with us that these nutsacks don't have the courage to come back and mess up our cars, building, etc. I truly abhor people. Occasionally I look to heaven for an explanation as to why God gave up on the whole 'smiting' thing. It would come in so very handy sometimes.

Note To Self: Don't yell obscenities at thieves with crowbars. Use my big girl manners next time.


Anonymous said...

Heyyy girl! I'm no longer at the PW board because to logs me off constantly and my computer can't handle it! (It's Pamela). I had Eli at the end of Sept. and he won't let me put him down for a moment. I'll keep up with you over here.


Jillian said...

PAMELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So good to hear from you! How's eli??????

I'll add you to my myspace friends today......... have you heard about the new board everyone is at? I'm there sometimes although I've pretty much dropped out of all loops.

You're always welcome here and I've missed you!