Monday, November 20, 2006

Correlation Between Aging & Use Of Consonants

Dexter looks like his Dad. Dexter naps like his Dad. Dexter has strong opinions on just about everything like his Dad. Dexter currently shares a room with ME like his Dad. This morning at 4AM I found one of the subtle differences between father and son.

Husband: Snore
Dexter: Snort
Husband: Snore
Dexter: Snort
Husband: Snore
Dexter: Snort
Me: Will you both please shut up.
Husband: Snore
Dexter: Snort
Husband: Snore
Dexter: Snort
Me: I hate my life. I'm going to the couch. And possibly running away to play a villain at Disneyland.
Husband: Snore
Dexter: Snort
Husband: Snore
Dexter: Snort
Me: I'm going to go turn the gas oven on and look around inside......... (this was followed by some expletives that I don't have to admit to).

When I grow up I'm going to have my own room. With a memory foam mattress bed that has been pimped out with an adjustable top and bottom as well as featuring the sleep # capability. And it will have flannel sheets which are currently forbidden. And it will smell like apples - also currently forbidden. And I WILL lock the door to said room and press charges against any who enter.

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