Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Not So Funny Now, Is It?

Well, friends, Dexter had his 2 month appointment today. It was eventful.

Got his first set. Let me say that I am still against immunizations. Let me add that DH doesn't care that I am against immunizations.
The nazi lactivist nutritionist will be relieved to know that Dexter is offically classified as a fatty bo batty. He is perfectly sperical. He weighs 13#. This makes him very high on the chart for size, and finds him very low on the chart for his height. Thus, I repeat, perfectly spherical.

Pedi says he is not where he should be for 2 months. She says he is more like a slow 1 month old. I, of course, took this rather personally but couldn't really argue it. He was, after all, lying there with his eyes crossed and drool running out of his mouth. However, I'm sure this will right itself in time, and I really question there standardized infant performance thingie anyway. Granted, Dex is a little vacant, but we prefer to call it "low maintenance"....
Here, however, is what matters.
The Noise Thing
  • You remember how Dex has only cried 7 or 8 times since he's been born (that included his shots today and the delivery room)? Turns out that's a problem. I just thought I was a really good mother Laughing j/k but anyway....
  • She listened to his cry which is exceptionally low and raspy (he is the baritone of newborns - I always thought he sounded really weird)
  • Then she listened to the "oinks & snorts" we're always joking about. Um, not good either.
  • Followed it up with the gasping for air he does when stimulated (in our defense that only became highly noticable in the last week or so and I had an appt. coming up so I waited for that reason)
Point is, she believes he has paralysis of his vocal chords to some extent and has referred us to a specialist. She says that jaw problems (his micrognathia) are often hand in hand with throat problems so we should have expected this.
No, I don't want to talk about it. Yes, I'm done having children. I'll let ya'all know when I know something. For the record, I am not amused.

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