Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Real Men & Rummy

Looks like Rumsfeld has resigned. It's too bad. One of the main reasons I like Dubya is because he surrounds himself with real men like Rumsfeld and Cheney. Real men don't apologize. Real men kick ass and don't bother taking names. Real men occasionally shoot their good friends in the face. You know what? Rumsfeld is a true patriot and he deserves a break from all the bullshit that is modern politics especially with the impending spectacle of the Dems having the house and most likely the senate. God help us all (no, wait, He probably won't considering the direction the Dems will want to take America) and God Bless Rummy.......... we'll miss you.

Also worth noting, real men occasionally eat something the size of their head. I raise real men; none of those pretty boy metrosexuals here. Go Langdon!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I liked Rumsfeld. He looked quite disappointed to be leaving and the timing was horrible. Nice move, Mr. President. Rumsfeld wanted to downsize the military from 10 Divisions to 8, which is totally unacceptable, and he didn't get along with many of the military leaders, but the Iraqi leaders seem to really like him a lot.

Jillian said...

Hey, Amy! I've been thinking about you! I wanted to tell you I had the baby but didn't think it belonged on your blog, LOL, kwim? I need to get your email again.

I liked Rumsfeld on a personal level, LOL. I admit total ignorance on his policy as of late.... *blushing*