Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekly Weigh In & 1st 5K Prep

Today we took Summer and walked up to a local appearance of 2 decent bands - Hinder and (my personal fave) Theory Of A Deadman. It was fun. Got autographs and just generally hung out. I did manage to get about 2 miles in through the process.

Today was my weekly weigh in and I was surprised to find I've dropped another 5 pounds since last Sunday. I think I can easily drop down to 118 (2 pounds below normal for my BMI) fat wise an then gradually bulk up muscle wise back into my normal range, and that is my plan. I think 125 would be a nice place to land at in the long run, however, I need to first lose the extra weight I'm carrying and then graduate back to it with muscle. This experience is far more about performance than appearance though, so I'm pretty laid back with the numbers.

I'm hoping to run today but the weather is foreboding and there are responsibilities with the fam that might have to take precedence over it. Actually it might be a good day to fully rest my body and then push further through next week.

I'm trying to secure a running partner for a 5K coming up in April and hoping to hear back from her in a day or two. It's sort of random really, but this is an obstacle course run versus a straight race and I think I want to go in with some support. :P

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