Saturday, March 07, 2009

Plotting The Paths

I didn't not actually get to hit the pavement today running but I did spend the day roaming the town within a 5 or so mile radius and mapping distances. By plotting out the area piece by piece from specific center points I should be able to move pretty freely through the area and still walk away with a decent idea of my mileage. Yes, I know, there is technology available to do this for me. :P I rather like it this way. It keeps things interesting. For instance, on a route I've been running for the past couple times I wasn't for sure the distance, but guessed it was a 1.5 mile run total. Today I learned that I've been pushing almost 3 miles on those days. That was extremely satisfactory, to say the least......... :D Michael came with me today and it was fun to get to show him my haunts and distances so at least I feel he understands on some levels what I do everyday; I don't think he was nearly as interested as I was though. Can't much blame him, I suppose. It was lots of driving in circles and me yelling "Hey, miles........ give me mileage!" every 10 feet or so. :D

Hope everyone likes the improved design. I got plenty of complaints on the other one. I know, I know........ it was uber busy but I hadn't had time to fine tune things. Utilizing this set up, I didn't have to tweak everything personally and hopefully there will be less occurences of blog motion sickness.

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