Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bittersweet Bridges Burning

After several days of only walking waiting for my body to kick into "move mode", I decided to push things a little further today. I ran 4 miles and then walked 2 this afternoon for an (obvious) total of 6 miles moved today. It was a genuinely good run, and I hit my stride about mile 2 after banging around and struggling during the first. I took off my running shoes today and felt genuine joy.

While at the time I didn't realize it, I was being prepared for an emotionally charged decision this evening. For me, I have found that my better running days almost always end with a bang, and I often wonder if this is because of the sense of clarity it leaves me with. I am learning that our past may not always successfully bridge to our present or future. Learning the intellectual lesson and applying the proper emotional response from the knowledge is not an easy or straightforward process. I have no regrets, except that I made a decision, backed out and then ended up having to remake the same decision again, but not before old hurts were revisited to a present moment. Meh. Live and learn. :P

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