Sunday, November 15, 2009

Back To The Blog

I always blog at Christmas time. I can't help myself. I really thought this might be the first holiday season since 2002 that didn't find me here and yet, here I am.... I think the loss of the baby probably has something to do with it. Whereas I suppose most people find a sympathetic ear and work out their angst the old fashioned way, I am still most comfortable sending my thoughts and emotions into cyberspace, emotionally bleeding on random passersbye with no faces and no ability or desire to mirror it all back. That is the beauty of blogging, I think. The ability to speak without the repercussions of being heard.

I'll set up the links and sidebars tomorrow and am considering importing that which the 5 minutes that was Chasing Eve but I don't know. I blame my sister for that unfinished project, but that's because I enjoy blaming my sister for just about everything. It really simplifies things. :D

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