Monday, October 09, 2006

Real Pants & Being Constructive

Dexter slept a full 8 hours last night. Not bad for an almost 3 week old! Granted it's probably a fluke, but I credit FOX News (I LOVE FOX News btw). I have made a sincere effort to bore him into submission since birth with continuous news coverage. I'd try CNN that would send him spiraling into a depression LOL.

Anyway, I guess this obligates me to put on real pants, attempt some make up and spend the day being constructive. Although we don't want to rush things........ let's just start off with real pants ;)

The girls are taking a few days off from Bible, History/Geography/Social Studies, Language, etc. and focusing on timed math tests. While I can safely say that my girls perform far above their peers in regards to math, there is a gap in their memorization of the tables so we're gonna fix that. I'm paying them off with gum & stickers - lucky for me they're easily amused.

Thought I'd share a photo from when Dex was about 6 or 7 days old. I think his cheeks ate his chin. That's my personal theory anyway! ;)

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