Monday, October 23, 2006

If We Have Another Child........... is going to be a girl and I am going to name her Tallulah. My husband claims that this fact alone is enough to justify a vasectomy. I'm simply amazed at how lightly men take their ability to pro-create, and the state of their vas deferens.

We are officially on a full schedule of school, and I can say this because we completed it today. I think the girls were laboring under the delusion that I would be pregnant/postpartum forever and they would slink through their educational years under the radar of math and science.

Speaking of postpartum, I think I will write a book that focuses on the realities and challenges of the postpartum period. I'm always so amused by how pregnancy books brush over this point in the pregnancy/birth experience with no more than 2 paragraphs and some quaint advice about resting when the baby sleeps. No wonder postpartum depression is rampant among modern mothers; nobody freakin' told us that our bellies would look like a 3 week old drowning victim; that we would leak unmentionable things for long periods of time; that days and nights really are interchangable and that it causes a type of jet lag that hasn't been medically recognized yet. Now I'm not actually going to write that book, but somebody should. I can't write it; I abhor society and women in general (unless I know you personally and have decided you don't suck).

Watch for some pictures to be uploaded later this evening. Heaven knows I take a ton of them, but it's been getting to the computer that I've been struggling with. I've also been working on a family website, and a baby site for Dex (started that 7 days post birth but haven't finished it yet), and am gaining ground; will post the links tonight or tomorrow.

So why the sudden burst of energy? Dexter slept 7 hours last night; over 7 actually - closer to 8. I was so excited I about peed my pants. Mind you, I NEVER trust an infant until I've seen the behavior repeated 7 times, so I can't say "he sleeps through the night" yet, and I better get my baking and deep cleaning done today because tomorrow he could decide to wake up every hour on the hour; newborns do things like that because humans are innately naughty creatures.

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