Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Smash Trees For Fun & Profit

I am still alive. Mostly.

Summer is quite sick so I have my hands full with that (here is where I would insert the vomit joke but I'm too tired). It is also test week. While I am against standardized testing (for those that aren't have you ever thought about who is being tested for what purpose and graded by what standard? hmmm?), the 4th week of the month is a review of our covered material and, yes, tests, although not standardized at all, I assure you.

I am also writing a business plan. For no other reason than if other people can do it than I can do it better. I need to stop writing a moot business plan and spend that time picking up hours for my job that actually pays real $$, but I can't help it. I am the genetic offspring of 2 entrepreneurs which has also given me the insight to all the reasons to absolutely not entrepreneur anything (yea, I just made the noun a verb). However, I simply can't resist laying things out on paper; I suspect it's an underlying hatred of trees.

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