Friday, March 16, 2007

Moo Shoo You. Yummy.

Am I the only one watching these hearings involving Valerie Plame (the whole Scooter Libby issues) and wanting to hock up a good one and spit it on her shoes?

We all know that I don't like or trust people in general and I have an intense dislike of the female species especially. They are evil personified and cannot be trusted under any circumstances. I know this because I am female. Our very nature is to manipulate in an attempt to dominate. This is why I have so few friends - very few make it through my selection process, but I love dearly those that do, although admittedly I wouldn't trust you not to eat me if we were stuck in a mountain pass for a long period of time without food. No, dear friends, I wouldn't turn my back for a second and neither should you. I would make moo-shoo-you and not think twice. N0w back to our regularly scheduled post.

If this woman is representative of the type of female our government employs in its representation abroad it is no damn wonder half the world is trying to blow us up and the other half is trying to smother us in tennis shoes.

1 comment:

Princess Jami said...

I'd probably taste better with cashews. Mmmm...cashew me! :-)