Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Captain's Log Day 5 - Today We Ate The Baby..., not really, although we discussed it. Chubbilicious slept with one eye open. We survived (big dramatic word there) by sealing up the kitchen, gathering around the gas stove and drawing lots on who had to get eaten first if we ran out of frozen pizza (kept frozen on our balcony by the way). This will be short as I work to get the house, family, etc. back in order. After 6 days the electricity has been restored and I must say that everything looked much better in the dark. I'll share the whole story soon, but for now I'll leave you with..................................

Things Overheard In The Dark
December Electricity Outage 2006

Dexter: Oink, oink, snort, snort, wail, snort, oink, wonk, wonk
Summer: Does he ever shut up?
Mom: No. Why do you think I'm so bitter?
Summer: We should eat him. Electricity's been out 4 days. They'd understand.

Mom: Gin
Summer: How you can you tell..... it's too dark to see the cards.
Dad: She knows because she cheats.
Mackenzie: I thought we were playing Rummy.
Mom: Gin.

Dad: After 3 days we get to eat someone.
Summer: (pointing at Dexter) eat Snorty McSnort Snort over there. Then we'd get some sleep.

1 comment:

Princess Jami said...

SIX days?! Oy.