Tuesday, August 29, 2006


First off, I hope the new temporary design holds water. I'm a little overwhelmed with how compact it is, but I don't have the time or energy to rewrite the other for multi browser compatibility, and this ones *cute*. I bet Zippy feels a little nauseous....

I went to the OB this morning for my first appt. of the week. It was for a non-stress test (here on out referred to as a NST) and is simply where they strap on monitors and check the babies heartbeat, movement, etc. for a period of time (usually 20 minutes).

All seemed to be going well (he had the hiccups for the first 14 minutes straight), but they didn't let me up at 20 minutes and kept taking the prinout for the OB to look at. Turns out after the first 20 minutes they were monitoring contractions.

Understandable, but if they had let me know what they were doing I could've given 'em the heads up to the fact that my pants were too tight, I was in an uncomfortable position, I was hungry & thirsty, the train commute had been wild, and I had to pee. Of course, my uterus was overactive!

Anyway, they wanted me to stay on for monitoring there or go to the hospital, and I opted for curtain #3 (my idea, not theirs) which was to come home and let them know if the contractions kept on. After some food, water, and a pain med for my crazy pelvis, things seemed to have settled down considerably. A nap this afternoon should take care of any remaining overactivity (of which there is some), although, I admit, that frankly I just feel like complete and total crap.

Hopefully it's just a bad day, and not the decline the OB was expecting in regards to how my body functions under the stress of the excessive fluid. He said once the contractions started up, we were on a downhill slope, so, again, hopefully just a bad day and not a turn for difficulty.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

LOL............ no worries; I appreciate you letting me know.

I saved it as it was I can always put it back up later, but I really bet there were a lot of people having trouble seeing it. I broke almost every rule out there when I put it together. :)

Besides, I kind of like this one better........... you know me, I'm always looking for an excuse to redecorate!