Friday, May 04, 2007

The Jell-O Death Stars of Dr. Seuss

I always liked Dr. Seuss' little Who creatures. Very interesting little things really. If Dr Seuss existed today I suspect they would have him on high doses of ADD meds and psychotherapy to cure his delusions versus celebrating him as a children's author for all time. I'm just saying.....

Time is short here. The link for the new site will be later today. I owe phone calls, emails, etc. but as always bear with me. I am in the process of trying to get us an apartment in the new city, securing movers, working on my own classwork, teaching the children, doing a major overhaul on our belongings (I'm getting rid of everything not tied down or of direct use in amusing Dexter), and working to bring this whole move situation into the realm of a controlled scenario. Or at least something resemblant of.

We will be moving in the next 45 days or so. And I keep reminding my husband via naughty emails: Worth noting here is that the closer we get to moving the more I am rather unhappy about it. Have you reminded your boss that the world is ending and will probably be set in motion by a nuclear attack on our nations capital (thusly baltimore area) that will paralyze our society's operations by completely wiping our government off the face of the map? Hmm? I'm just saying and be forewarned as we sit in our apartment drinking radiated water and breathing the fallout all while our skin rots off and our lungs separate into little jell-o like pieces of artery blocking death stars that I will say "I told you so".

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