Friday, January 19, 2007

The Circle Of Strife

Ah, well, win some, lose some. I never could play nice with anyone online and managed to take a long walk off a short cliff today with my pregnancy board. Such things happen. Thanks for all the emails and private messages I recieved over the situation. I appreciate the support, girls. Kind of a bittersweet moment, eh? It's a-ight, though. I now have time to learn the great art of origami.

I'm off to put on my ninja gear, get super pissed off and attempt to shove a frisbee in my mouth. If I manage to do it, I think everyone is supposed to say "Holy Crap!" and be really impressed.


Anonymous said...

I find I can't play nice with women in real life. I have very strong opinions that I usually don't budge on. Plus I'm really trying to purge myself from people who aren't nice, negative, ect. I see you as a friend, a friend I can learn alot from! *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Ok I am so lost, email me ASAP!!! No one puts Becca in the corner....

(in my best dirty dancing voice)